Dum spiro spero: While I breathe, I hope
The Project: The Concrete Confessional Addiction Project is dedicated to documenting the stories of the refugees and casualties of the War on Drugs, the most catastrophic global policy failure in human history.
Expect heavy reflections mixed with humorous stories and addiction- and recovery-related art, science, politics, media reviews, and interviews. ​​
About Me: I contain multitudes, and I believe in hope! Writer and teacher; reader and runner. Magna cum laude Ivy League and summa cum laude I.V. League alum. Med school dropout and graduate of more treatment centers than I'd care to admit.
Expat refugee from the War on Drugs: 我在深圳和北京生活过,我喜欢ä¸å›½ã€‚Ai miei amici italiani: il mio italiano non è perfetto, ma è migliore del mio cinese; benvenuto in questo spazio, dove discutiamo di alcolismo, tossicodipendenza e altri problemi di salute mentale. ​
Rest Easy: This blog is dedicated to Dylan, Rachel, Tom, Jodie, Nyk, Micah, Sandy, Dave, John, Kris, Mike, Luke, Zach, and all the others who left us too soon. They live within us now.